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This SUBSCRIPTION program includes our 3 most important products! Boost will give your plants the essentialnutrients, Sustain is a proprietary organic acid mixture supplemented with zinc to help photosynthesis, and Baseline H 2 O is our liquid gold—the microbes that will help roots dig deep, and make nutrients plant-available!


This SUBSCRIPTION package covers approximately 5,000 sq ft. Applications instructions are included in each package.  You will receive a monthly treatment package delivered to your door every month. Subscription benefits include: free shipping, program discounts and priority access to new products. 

Microbes + Fertilizer Subscription Program

SKU: 364215375135191
  • -This basic trial program will be precisely what the doctor has ordered to bring your plants up to maximum health! Boost has the essential N-P-K nutrients, but what’s even better is that the phosphorus here is eco-friendly and safe for the environment. Sustain is a product that acts just like the acid in your stomach does—breaking down nutrients so they can be prepared for digestion. Finally, our favorite of all is our star Baseline H 2 O: a microbial product guaranteed to lengthen roots (#waterconservation), breakdown complex nutrients that are already in your soil, and chelate out heavy metals. But don’t take our word for it—try it out!

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